I Partner di Arezzoturismo
In the Tourist Services Centre Una Vetrina per Arezzo e le sue Vallate , located along the route of the escalators, there is an exhibition area where the Eccellenze in terre di Arezzo, a number of the district’s most prestigious companies and associations, have the opportunity to inform vistors on the range and scope of their activities.
Confartigianato Imprese Arezzo
Confartigianato Imprese Arezzo, with over 5,500 associate members, is the most representative association in the Province of Arezzo of the crafts, trades and small business sectors.
The Confartigianato Imprese Arezzo is the force behind the ideas of small business owners and its size is an acknowledgement of the role these business men and women play in the Italian economy. Together, we can meet the challenges head on.
For over 60 years, the association has been protecting the rights of the crafts people, the arts and trades people, and small to medium businesses by promoting their interests and encouraging their professional development and economic growth.
The Confartigianato Imprese Arezzo has worked successfully to bring about an increase in the number of associated members and in the range of services on offer to them.
Today’s Confartigianato Imprese Arezzo is able to provide qualified assistance at every phase of a firm’s life and can meet every need a business associate may have. With our association comes unity and with unity comes pride in being business men and women, unity gives force to our ideas and helps us promote them, unity reinforces the protection the association gives to our interests. The association’s team of more than 100 professional people is dedicated to the service of associate members. The team creates value for the members and, by putting them at the centre, leads them to a certain victory!
CNA is the confederation of the crafts sector and small business enterprises. For more than 60 years it has provided support for the craftworks and small businesses of the Province of Arezzo, with 15 CNA offices located throughout the territory and a staff of 110 offering professional services.
Confesercenti is the national confederation of trades associations which, since 1971, has provided specialised services in order to represent and protect the interests of small and medium-size companies operating in the fields of commerce, service industries and tourism.
In the Province of Arezzo, there are 5 offices, more than 50 employees and over 3000 associated firms.
Confesercenti has an active network in all town and village localities and offers support for collective bargaining and various advisory services. Whether provided directly through the confederation itself, or through companies operating in the relevant sectors, Confesercenti’s services are modern, technologically advanced, and based on the guidelines of innovation, quality and professionalism. CNA is an indispensable support system for the development and growth of small and medium-size businesses.
Comune di Arezzo
A city with a wealth of artistic heritage, Arezzo has a town centre that still today retains the fascination of its illustrious past. The buildings and monuments have been enriched with the works of such great medieval and Renaissance artists as Cimabue, Piero della Francesca, Andrea della Robbia and Giorgio Vasari. Arezzo is also widely known for its Antiques Fair held on the first Sunday of each month, and for the Giostra, or Joust of the Saracen, not forgetting the International Polyphonic Competition Guido d’Arezzo. The city was the birthplace of the great poet Francesco Petrarch, and has more recently come to international prominence as the setting of Roberto Benigni’s acclaimed film “Life is Beautiful”.
Movida Visual Communication was a development from within the well-known company, Publicolor. Movida offers innovative and stylish solutions in publicity design, and its technology can both enhance and revolutionise existing concepts of video publicity.
Opa Arezzo - Il Cammino del Sacro
Il Cammino del Sacro is a walk which links eight churches and their almost thousand years of History, Art and Faith.
A hallmark of the city of Arezzo and a constant source of reference for its traditions, culture and society, the Cammino is a journey which is at once religious, historical and touristic and which has, at its heart, the Diocesan Museum of Arezzo.
Provincia di Arezzo
The Provincia di Arezzo is the administrative body that cares for the interests of the citizens of the entire territory. The province comprises the city of Arezzo, the Casentino, the Valdarno, the Valdichiana and the Valtiberina, in all over 320,000 inhabitants living in 3,232 square kilometers. The provincial administration is responsible for the road network, school buildings, promotion of the economy, agriculture, care of the environment, fauna and land, the labour force and training, social policies, tourism and culture.
A trust company founded in 1982 by the trade and business associations in the province, Sicurezza Telecontrol S.p.A. is structured into three divisions and provides a modern system of security services. Using the most advanced electronic and telecommunications technologies, the company offers innovative and state-of-the-art solutions to the market’s security needs.
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